"We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life, but those who make their journey home across time and miles, growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them, are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands" ~Anonymous

Monday, January 4, 2010

There's nothing better than...

good Mexican food, family, The Bachelor, and people who love your child!! Not necessarily in that order -- it depends on the day!

My Mom and I met for dinner this evening at one of our favorite Mexican spots in town. We love Mexican food and any chance that we have to catch up over some warm tortilla chips and melted cheese is too good to pass up. Fairly early on I noticed Mason smiling and making eyes at someone across the restaurant. Now this is not all that unusual for Mason since he is quite the flirt, but a moment later I noticed that the ladies he was giggling at were approaching our table. I looked up to see Ms. Beverly and Ms. Pretzel, his teachers from his very first daycare as a baby. (He went there from 9 months to 15 months old.) In the interest of full disclosure, we pulled Mason from this particular daycare because there were numerous problems and issues. In the end, we felt like he was better off elsewhere. What couldn't be denied, though, was how much they loved and adored Mason while he was there and how much they still do! Ms. Beverly especially, was his soft place to land for those six months and not only did he remember her, Mason was clearly excited to see her. They asked me to bring him back for a visit sometime and I think that I will, because one of the things in this life that means everything to me is when someone else loves my child. There is nothing more soul-filling and gratifying than knowing that your child has all kinds of people in their world that think they are worthy of praise, smile, hugs, and joy. So, despite the rough times that we experienced during those months, I am still indebted to them for understanding, as I do, how special my little guy really is.

Thank you Ms. Beverly and Ms. Pretzel, for loving Mason like we do!

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